Tuesday, April 12, 2005


my first (formal) job in one of preschools back in Indonesia couple years ago...caused me to reflect critically on all that i knew and i wanted for mylife. several experiences and thought 'forced' me to take the decision to learn more about what early childhood is...

and...referring to my conversation to one of my friend lately, i (again) put a big question mark on my mind..is it really what i want? is it really what i want to do for the rest of my life? and many what if what if banging on my head...

prior to my journey to find what i really want.. i imagined what i'll be in the next four or five years...

and...again...i often have a chat with one of my friend who has the same opinion of being young children teacher...

and.. i'll never running out of thing to discuss about how wonderful being a teacher is...and how we never stop exploring and learning how to give the best thing for children, learning to be a better teacher and of course the best friend for our children in the class...

i might not be the best one..and it makes me think ...which one suits me? which class is the best for me to teach.

so far i've been to different variety classess...and i know which class might be the best for me...from what i heard...grade 1 is the best...but..i won't believe it til i experience myself...

so..keeping the faith and being realistic? which one is better?

PF : for tia...thanks for the advice and it's nice having a sharing partner :P....you'll be the first to know....for sure...

*be continued*

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