Monday, March 27, 2006

untuk seorang sahabat....

kehilangan itu bener" ga enak. apalagi untuk hal yang sangat kita harapkan dan udah ditunggu".

deepest condolences for mba' ret & ma"s....maybe it's not the right time nor place...

mungkin ini kedengarannya klise...

percayalah...everything has its own reason and akan indah pada waktunya....

it's just about time u said, remember?

be tough ya...*mimosa mimisi welebi sikh.....*

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

water...use it wisely....

tinggal di negara yang bermasalah AIR memang kadang enak" susah... di mana kondisi negara sekaligus benua ini tuh cuma pinggir"nya doank yang bisa dihuni, sementara di tengah? desert aka wasteland kabeeeh....
makanya hujan tuh merupakan suatu berkah n hal yang ditunggu" berat biar persediaan air di dam tetep ada.

sementara g tuh demen berat yg namanya mandi, nyuci ..tepatnya maen aer deh....makanya binun juga waktu pertama kali ke sini g tuh ngeliat orang" kalo nyuci piring borongan biar ngehemat aer, ato kalo nyuci piring cuma di keringin tanpa dibilas (ckckckck),

n kadang lucu sekaligus bete tiap ngeliat sign" yang bunyinya antara laen begini:

use the right amount at the right place, be water wise....

ato saban ngelewatin perbatasan kota manapun pasti ada sign yang nunjukin di kota itu level water nya berapa...

welcome to 'A', we are on level 3 water restriction,
welcome to 'B', we are on level 4 water restriction,
welcome to 'C', we are on level 2 water restriction,

malah ada yang kreatif make karikatur" unik segala kayak cerita berbentuk campaign gitu deh ..

paling parah siy level 5..di mana kalo udah nyampe level itu, kita bener" harus bayar aer....mpe skrg g blon pernah ngeliat ada t4 yg mpe level 5. di state laen malah ada peraturan kudu nyiram taneman ato nyuci mobil make ember dan bukan make slang kayak biasanya. itu pun ga boleh sering"...*luckily sampe saat ini aer masih gratisan di sini n ga seserem itu peraturannya hehehehe*.

walaupun government udah cuap" n wanti" kudu hemat aer, kemaren sempet ada pro kontra soal minum dari recycling water, to be honest mpe skrg g prefer ngerebus aer dulu n ga minum tap water (kalo ga kepaksa siy ga deeeeh)...gimana jadinya kalo kudu minum recycle water? ga kebayang deh g...

aneh ya, sementara katanya dunia ini 2/3nya adalah lautan dibanding daratan, tetep adja mpe skrg kita sering kesusahan aer. g baru baca artikel bbrp hari yg lalu kalo inggris juga udah bener" kesusahan aer, kudu matiin kran selama sikat gigi, ga boleh sering" nyuci mobil, mandi ga boleh lama"...walah...kasian bener g kalo di sana yak..

anyway, emang mulai sekarang kita kudu ngehemat aer. kebutuhan vital soale beneran...dalam skala gede, tiap ada bencana di mana" juga yang paling dibutuhin kan aer, tul?

be water wise emang ada benernya juga....soale g jg ga mau skrg enak" mandi eeee ntar"nya kudu mandi sehari sekali ato seminggu skali mungkin, masak mesti yang kering" terus, ato makan dengan piring yang sama biar ga usah nyuci terus, saking ga ada aernya? amit amit deh...

so, since today is world water day..
perhaps it's the right time to start save and be water wise, anyone?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Try to be simple...

simple things from a simple woman:

  1. Don’t try to be someone you're not
  2. Don’t push something beyond your capability
  3. Don’t sacrifice for something unworthy
  4. Everything has its own time and its reason
  5. Be patient!

and still many more advices...

Although I know those things before. Yet I still end up the same and not come to scratch somehow...

afterall, I value her for her being simple and endless support....

Luv ya, mom =)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

be the child...

no matter what we do, no matter how old we are, no matter how busy we are....
there'll be always a child inside us...

remember those days? When nothing seemed as mattered for us. All we wanted were playing, good food, sleep, or simply being pampered. Even fighting could be the most entertaining moment then =)

we are given 24-7-365...have you ever tried to keep track of those different days simultaneously? Can you tell which one which? I am pretty confident you fail.......I have these kinda difficulties...they arose from the fact that our days go randomly....

that's why, I wonder how a child can manage his/her days they always (look) happy most of the time, how they cope with the same pattern, with the same things come and go everyday....they're just really good in it, don't ya think?

well...there'll be much more to come as they grow up...but they're just so happy being a child...don't care what tomorrow will bring...

and I grow up and often look back....I know...we'll be always a child. even when we are old...
we just don't realise, sometimes, we can be the child, can be that childish, can be that weak, accepting, and yea....just simply enjoying being the whole child inside us =)

no one can replace our childhood, really...with all its good and bad...

Monday, March 06, 2006

and they say..

as i had dinner with some friends couple of days ago....they suddenly came up with this statement...

"tintin...remember to do this for your interview...
remember to...
1. speak slowly
2. explain clearly
3. don't panic, stay calm...
4. focus on what you wanna say....or do...
5. don't let your eyes wide opened...those people may think you stare at them (which is kinda odd reminder i suppose hahahaha)...
5. TRY TO LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyhow..sometimes friends know more than you do

*thanks guys..arigatou gozaimasu.. ;)"