Cartoon Character
kalau saya ditanya, cartoon character apa yang paling saya suka? jawabannya..
The one and only Winnie the Pooh :)
dan apabila ditanya alasan kenapa saya suka? hmm...pada dasarnya saya suka karena winnie itu selalu ceria, baik hati, suka memberikan nasihat, dan suka menolong teman"nya. dan dalam setiap film ato ceritanya, pasti ada pesan moral tertentu...percaya deh..coz I've watched most of them :P. Pesan yang disampaikan itu sederhana, bahkan cenderung agak" aneh.
Kadang memang suka sok tau dia :P tapi mungkin itulah ciri khas winnie the pooh...and that's what me looooveeee him so much...
yang suka winnie the pooh pasti banyak juga deh yach, tapi..
How did Winnie the Pooh become the tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff as we know him now? I'll tell you then...have a read...
In 1914, during World War 1, troops from Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) were being transported to eastern Canada on their way overseas to Europe. When the train stopped at White River, Ontario, there was a trapper standing on the platform with a bear cub. One of the soldiers, Harry Colebourn, was serving in the Canadian Army at the time. He saw a man cradling a tiny orphaned black bear cub, and bought it for $20. and named her "Winnipeg", or "Winnie" for short.
The bear became the Canadian Army's mascot. Winnie was put in the care of London Zoo, in Regent's Park, because Harry Colebourn and the other Canadian soldiers had to go to France after England.
When Lieutenant Colebourn came back from France, he found that Winnie was having such a wonderful time at the Zoo and became very popular with the children and was well known for her playful nature. He decided to let him stay there forever. Winnie lived until 1934.
Christopher Robin was one of Winnie's greatest fans, and was allowed to go inside the cage with him. Here is a passage from the introduction to "Winnie the Pooh".
So when Christopher Robin goes to the Zoo, he goes to where the Polar Bears are, and he whispers something to the third keeper from the left, and doors are unlocked, and we wander through dark passages and up steep stairs, until at last we come to the special cage, and the cage is opened, and out trots something brown and furry, and with a happy cry of "Oh, Bear!" Christopher Robin rushes into its arms.
Since Christopher Robin loved Winnie so much, he renamed the bear that he had received for his 1st birthday, Edward Bear, and called him Winnie the Bear. A poem from "When We Were Very Young" tells that Christopher Robin met a swan, and called him Pooh, but the swan has gone now, so Christopher Robin changed Winnie the Bear to Winnie the Pooh in honor of the swan.
The little boy's father, Alan Alexander Milne (knowing of his son's attraction to the bear, would often tell him bedtime stories about the bear and a make-believe world along with Christopher Robin's other toys, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo. The little boy was a featured character in most of those stories. His father went on to write a series of books about "Winnie-the-Pooh" (the bear from Winnipeg), Christopher Robin and their friends at "100-Aker Wood".
A. A. Milne also made up the characters Rabbit and Owl, based on real animal living in the Forest. In the stories, Asdown Forest was called the Hundred Acre Woods. "Winnie the Pooh" was published in 1926, followed by "The House at Pooh Corner" in 1928.
In 1961, The Pooh stories were first told to Walt Disney children and he used Pooh in a movie since then.
In 1966 "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree" was a big success
In 1968 "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day" won an Academy award
In 1974 another Pooh movie was made, called "Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too".
And more Winnie the pooh movies are made til now... (Remember Tigger and Pigglet Movie?)
Pooh was bought at Harrods, London by Christopher Robin's mom, Daphne Milne, for his 1st b'day. He is now on display with Tigger, Roo, Pigglet, Eeyore, and Kanga in New York Public Library
Ernest H. Shepard, who illustrated "Winnie the Pooh" and "House at the Pooh Corner" based on his son's teddy bear (Growler) drawings. These drawings are on display at The Victoria and Albert Museum in London
*diambil dari beberapa sumber*
Geez, I have to go to those two places someday...I will!!!!someday....
saya rela menahan diri untuk give up something just for Pooh atau semua yang berhubungan dengan winnie the pooh...saya mempunyai nama untuk tiap pooh saya, saya tau 'sejarah' mereka. Saya rela tidur di lantai hanya karena tempat tidur saya dipenuhi winnie the pooh :P, saya rela membeli winnie the pooh kesayangan padahal it was really costly at that time...atau...saya rela tidak memakan coklat winnie the pooh hadiah salah satu teman sampai jamuran (some silly things that I did hahaha)
Ibu saya sering bertanya, 'mau diapain tuh anak"mu dan barang sebanyak itu??' Ibu saya selalu menyebut boneka" saya itu adalah anak" saya :) dan Beliau tidak pernah lupa mengingatkan saya untuk 'berpamitan' dengan mereka atau membawa pooh kesayangan kalau saya bepergian...
*I love you mama*
saya juga bingung, ada rasa sayang dan tidak rela untuk disumbangkan ^_^
'buat koleksi aja' atau 'buat anak" nanti' itu selalu yang jadi alasan saya.
Ayah saya bahkan lebih ekstrim lagi, Beliau wanti" kalau saya tidak boleh lagi membeli barang" berbau winnie the pooh lagi sekarang kalau tidak... ....( the record)......
okay, so sorry for that. no more papa...I spend my money for anything but Winnie now.. :) *to be honest...i'm trying not to :P* ...
teman"? wah tidak perlu disebut lagi. istilah mereka mulai dari, "masa kecil kurang bahagia, saya membuat kebun binatang di rumah dan kamar saya, hobi tidak berguna, apa sih enaknya dan bagusnya winnie the pooh tuh? dan lain".
Tanggapan saya? tidak peduli...winnie the pooh tetap nomor satu hahahaha
Sayangnya? oleh" atau hadiah yang diberikan untuk saya kebanyakan winnie the pooh karena? 'Gampang kan? loe pasti suka n ga mungkin nolak koq, tin' Tidak kreatif sekali mereka itu :)
saya juga punya mimpi untuk membuat rumah saya bertemakan Winnie the Pooh...impian tak sampai seperti kata orang". heiii? what's wrong with that??? having dreams is normal i reckon
sayangnya sekarang, saya sudah tidak begitu mengikuti perkembangan winnie the pooh lagi. walaupun saya tetap saja tidak pernah bisa menahan diri kalau sudah melihat semua aksesoris winnie the pooh dan teman"nya....
so? which cartoon character do you like? bisa share dengan cara dan kebiasaan mengoleksi mereka mungkin?
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