Friday, April 14, 2006


pulang some missed of them was unknown number (which is annoying sometimes) i hate those unknown numbers although i like receiving 'call' number, cause i know it'll be some IDD calls =)..

but not for private numbers...cause i don't know who's calling me, i can't call them back (since most private numbers are always from uni), it might be something important, and the most irritating'on...niat ga siy nelpnya?..

eniwei.....since i can't reply the call...i just wished if he/she might call back again...

ga lama...bunyila telp g =)
yippiiiie...yg muncul 'call' doank..

as i answered my phone..somoene on the phone started to talk:

'tin, congraaaats ya.'re getting married. am happy for you bla bla bla. how are you? i don't know if you're in aussie now bla bla bla.....'

without knowing who's on the phone...i was pause for a while...

mikir...'siapa ya niy orang? tau" nelp tanpa basa basi langsung nembak gitu"

then..after a short conversation...barula g tau..bercampur excited dan heran...taunya she's my old friend back from junior high school....omigosh..i haven't spoken with her for hmm 11 years now?

'i heard from a friend that you guys are getting married. congratulations on your wedding...finally..finally...'

geez...she rang far from UK only for this?.....

she kept talking without giving me a chance to explain about what's really goin' on..

sampe akhirnya g diem doank, menunggu beliau selesai bicara..

then i finally got a chance to talk....

'met, loe salah lagi...bukan g. emang dia mo merit. tapi bukan ama g. kayaknya informasi yg loe dapet salah deh. makasih berat deh kalo emang itu g yg mo merit...walaupun yg pasti bukan ama dia. eniwei. thanks for calling from a nyangka yak...'

luckily she's not mad at me...walaupun dia udah rela"in nelp jauh" buat nyelametin info salah itu. tapi g hepi koq. she's got my number..i dunno where she got it from, and we had a chance to talk (apart from my wrong wedding info though =)...

g mpe mikir...apa jadinya kalo emang beneran am getting married? kudu excited ato malah jadi takut? hehehee...utk skrg mungkin g masih parno....hopefully i'll recover soon ;)

ooh well...
eniwei, thanks heaps for your call, met...menghibur juga siy walaupun kalo dipikir ajaib juga "reunian" kita ini...
glad that you still remember me, those days gitu lho...di masa" masih ingusan banget dengan seragam putih-biru tercinta....

pf: happy good friday, have the 'bunniest' easter....n a loooong wiken 4 y'all

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