Friday, September 30, 2005

it does change

before...i'm a believer that...
1. long distance relationship (so far)...will never work (for me)
2. never ever fall in love with someone either is too old or too young =)
3. cross cultural relationship is the last choice. the language barrier sometimes sucks. just don't have time to adjust and compromise all the diff. can u imagine how irritating it is if u can't say something u feel? *read: ga bisa bebas ngomong, ngomel, ato ngegombal mungkin? hahhaha*
4. friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship--never!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. to be friends with your ex is the hardest thing)
6. no too tall or too short guy for me, plz - considering i'm just 154cm height and it stays the same hihii
7. stay away for a while from your guy will keep him missing you (silly huh, believe works though hahahha)
8. never show what you feel in front of him, unless he asks you so
9. trust and follow what your heart says...
and i still have more and loooooooooooong lists written....(ga penting ga penting gitu deh kira") time goes...... something u think is true or forbidden or better not doing, become the other way around, become something you do, ...and yeaaa...somehow, u enjoy it ...
(kalo kata orang sih, Manusia berencana, Yang di Atas yang nentuin)..

i might be crazy or something.
but ...i just did...waaaaks... =)

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