anak" di kelas kami selalu menyebut murid SD dengan sebutan BIG KIDS. i don't know where they got the word, tapi lucu juga sih...
kelas kami terpisah dengan kelas SD. dan mereka selalu keliatan 'kagum'dengan murid SD tersebut. pernah kami berkumpul dalam satu ruangan dengan murid SD tersebut dan mereka memilih untuk duduk berdampingan dengan mereka =)
dan juga 'playground' SD lebih bervariasi dan tentu saja lebih 'berbahaya' untuk anak"preschool.
mereka sering bertanya "can we play in the big playground?"pdhl mnrt saya, playground mereka relatif sama saja, hanya sugesti mereka saja yang mengatakan big kids have bigger playground than us...
mereka akan terlihat sangat bersemangat apabila kami mengijinkan mereka bermain di playground SD
pernah saya bertanya:
"why you call them big kids?"
mereka akan menjawab:
"because they are bigger than us (silly me, tentu saja jawaban itu yang akan mereka kemukan atas pertanyaan saya)
tapi ada yang menarik menurut saya:
kebanyakan mereka mengemukakan alasan yang sama akan pertanyaan saya yang ini:
"do you want to be the big kids?"
jawaban mereka?
öf course. we will be the big kids next year. we can write a long sentence and of course. we can write our full name. not just our first name like now.
we can meet Mr. Poulton more often. Mr. Poulton visits big kids everyday. He even teaches big kids. I love Mr. Poulton.
i want to be the big kids because i can use all the playground without wearing my hat. why we have to wear the hat when we play outside while big kids don't?
i want to be the big kids because we can eat more tuckshops food
i want to be the big kids because i can go to school by school bus, not with my daddy or mommy
i want to be the big kids because they know more than us. they even know everything. maybe they only don't know something that teachers do. what do you think?
*Mr. Poulton is the principle of the school. Anak"entah kenapa sangat 'mengagumi'beliau. often times when he visits our class, the children will straight go for him and hug him tightly ^_^...
*tuckshop is like a refectory in the school.
dan masih banyak jawaban"yang menarik menurut saya. ada"saja yach...
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