Friday, June 03, 2005


maybe some of you know this question:

"How do you feel when you wake up without having someone to think about?"

some say...
bagai makan sayur tanpa garam, tin

kayak disuruh jalan mundur satu kaki tanpa boleh nengok

atau juga....

kosong...something missing....

hehehe..sampai sekarang saya belum bisa menjawab dengan kata" yang tepat ...

*from one of the scene in city of angels*

Seth 'plate' fell from the building......

and he was bleeding...but..he was happy :P because he is HUMAN now..he can feel anything...blood, touch, love :)

he rushed to the hospital...and tried to find the doctor *i forgot her name...played by Meg Ryan for sure*

and when other doctor asked him..what's wrong with him?
he replied: " I fell"

the doctor asked again: " fell?"

he then smiled and stated.." yes..I fell love"

sweet... ^_^

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