The brief look at The Early Years..
the more you know..the more you forget...
itu yg belakangan g rasain...semakin byk baca..semakin byk lupa..n semakin byk berasa ga tau apa"...what a wierd thing, isn't it?
kuliah blm dimulai...masih bbrp lama lagi sih. tp byk persiapan yg mesti dilakukan. dan salah satunya...BACA, BACA dan MEMBACA....
dari buku" yg g baca...g coba utk ambil sedikit conclusion........moga berguna terutama buat yg tertarik n pgn tau lebih jauh mengenai apa itu "Early Years" atau "Early Childhood"
Istilah early years itu menurut NAEYC
yaitu Organisasi yg khusus mempelajari mengenai anak") adalah anak" yang dikategorikan dari lahir-8 taon --> mpe mereka grade 3
n menariknya... anak" dikategorikan dalam 4 kelas :
yaitu :
infants : newborn - 1thn
toddler : 1-3 thn
preschooler : 3-5 thn
kindergartners : 5-6thn
primary : 6-8 thn
nah ada lagi istilah kindergartners..selama ini orang kebanyakan mengenal istilah kindergarten instead of do I :)
Kunci utama utk belajar n mengenal mengenai dunia ini sebenarnya least kita punya dasar yg disebut 'Five P's and Four R's and also TLC'
The Five P's are :
"providing" a safe and healthy environment,
try to make the "predictable" events and reactions,
always develop a "ping-pong" communication between you and the child,
support the child's "persistence" at completing tasks,
the last P is the negative one..which is... "professor", that is talking without paying any attention to the child in every circumtances.
The Four R's are :
"Responsive" to the child,
provide the "Reasons" that are "Rational"...
encourage the child to "Read" --> that is the key experience to build the "Relationship" between us and the child
the last one is TLC --> "Tender-Loving-Care"
remember not to give the child too much is the foundation of The Five P's and The Four R's
Teori ini juga merupakan guidelines (again mnrt NAEYC) yaitu DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) yang terus dimodifikasi dengan memperhatikan kultur sosial atau latar belakang masing" anak, atau diistilahkan mereka "DAP and Multicultural Perspective" yang kemudian disebut DCAP (Developmentally and Cultural Appropriate Practice)
Perkembangan anak tidak hanya berhenti dan berpatokan hanya pada faktor 5P, 4R dan TLC di atas, tapi lebih pada hubungan komplementari antara "growth" dan "learning"..gabungan kedua hal ini menjadi basic untuk Child Developmental Theories
di mana growth mencakup hal" kayak cognitive, affective, physical, dan motor development,
Sedangkan learning memperhatikan hal" perkembangan kebiasaan karena pengaruh lingkungan. Learning juga biasa diistilahkan "Behaviourist Theories"
so...children? who are they?? they are most likely complex and at times also puzzling..and for me...they are such a creature I can't stop to keep exploring... :)
more things to come ahead...
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