Friday, February 20, 2004

Semalem g nonton konsernya Brian Mcknight....what a romantic concert and songs =) lumayan jg tuh desek2an nya...biasa deh yg affordable festival class sih...yg laen mahal euy.. tp mnrt g..enakan di festival kok, soale? 'lebih berasa' nonton dibanding ama kelas laen
Eniwei... konsernya bagus lho ;) gile semua keluar dgn tampang puas n bener bgt?sesuai ama lagunya yg pada yg dateng kebanyakan jg pasangan gitu..qta aja yg beramai2 nonton nya hahaha..alhasil...abis konser suaraku abiiiiiiiiisss...however....that was a nice and romantic concert!!!!!!!!!! Wlp pake acara telat kira" 45mins

and..ada bbrp hal lagi yg g pelajari dari konser semalem :
1. dari sisi brian mcknight ndiri.....dia low profile bgt n komunikatif bgt..n performance dia oks bgt (kalo kata iklan) jd tiap mo nyanyi, dia kyk kasih prologue dulu gitu?bagus deh pokoknya..
2. jam karet itu ternyata berlaku di mana" yach? Buktinya konsernya telat ampir mo sejam lho
3. persiapan itu emang penting bgt?soale di tengah2 konser si Brian keliatan agak sedikit bt soale sound system nya n mic nya rada error gitu...kacau deh :( Penonton udah keliatan gelisah tea. Mungkin juga gagara event organizer yg jd promoter ini jg masih baru yach? Practise makes perfect ya ga?
4. and tau ga? kata brian (sok akrab bgt g) "this is one of the best concert I've ever had" soale respons penonton emang ok bgt buat dia semalem...
5. katanya tiket yg dijual dgn harga mayan semalem buktinya laku jg ?soale..penuh lho ampe ke kelas vip nya.........gileee??
6. masih aja ada calo n juga tukang parkir yg masang harga parkir selangit...masa semalem g mesti bayar parkir 20rb? ckckckck.....
7. perilaku penonton semalem mayan sopan lho, mungkin konsernya jg konser romantis yach?

Ini salah dua dari byk lagu brian mcknight yg jd fav g ..sbnrnya sih ampir semua lagu dia g suka?kalo kata org g emang suka lagu mellow.......

Crazy Love (1995)

I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open up every time she smiles
And when I come home to her that's where I belong
Yet I'm running to her like a river's song

she gives me love love love love crazy love
she gives me love love love love crazy love...

She's got a fine sense of humor when I'm feeling low down
And when I come home to her when the sun goes down
She takes away my troubles, takes away my grief
Takes away my heartache in the night like a thief.

She's got love love love love crazy love
Yes I need her in the daytime
Yes I need her in the night
I want to throw my arms around her
To kiss her, hug her, kiss her, hug her tight
And when I'm returning from so far away
She gives me such sweet lovin' brightens up my day
And makes me righteuos and makes me whole
And it makes me mellow down to my soul

Still In love (1995)

I think I must be dreaming
That you are here with me
Must have died and gone to heaven
And it's all that I hoped it would be

When the eagles forget how to fly
When it's twenty below in July
And when violets turn red
And roses turn blue
I'll be still in love with you

live to be around you
You take my breath away
Can't help but talk about you
Every night and day

When eagles forget how to fly
And it's twenty below in July
And when violets turn red
And roses turn blue
I'll be still in love with you

All I need is you
Need you just to hold me, console me
Over and over.......I love you

When the eagles forget how to fly
And it's twenty below in July
And when violets turn red
And roses turn blue
I'll be still in love with you
Still in love with you

Dalem bgt kan artinya??? Gimana ga lumer hati cw2 kalo dinyanyiin gitu ama brian??? so guys...kalo mo 'ngebuat hati cw" jatuh...coba nyanyiin lagu"nya brian mcknight kali yach....
eniwei...buat semua....dari lagu"nya dia...yg kalian suka yg mana??? wanna share with me??? =)

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