Monday, November 21, 2005

it's too long.........

anak" akan mementaskan 'christmas play' minggu dpn, tepatnya tgl 30 november.

kebanyakan dari mereka sudah tidak sabar. tapi tunggu dulu, tidak sabar mereka ada bermacam" versi...

ada" saja tanggapan mereka.

seperti ini:

'why we should wait this long for christmas play? i'm afraid i'll forget that by the time we perform that, tanti..'

'i think i'd better wait because i don't think i 'm good enough to show it to my mom and dad'

' do you think i am good enough to be the angel? i think i'd better be star instead of angel'
' i don't like being the gigantic star, because i have to stand for the whole play'

' i have told my mom and dad to come earlier so that they can sit at the front'

' what?i am the shepherd? i thought i am the angel'

'can i be the drummer boy? i want to walk around the stage so that my parents can see me'

--> jadi sebelum dan sesudah latihan, kami biasanya sibuk mendengarkan segala 'kesan dan pesan' mereka....cukup membingungkan memang, karena kami tidak bisa memenuhi semua keingingan mereka..

sudah lebih dari dua bulan kami mempersiapkan pentas ini. dan tidak hanya mereka, kami juga pasti tidak sabar menunggu rabu depan.

alasan kami? it or is it not? karena so far dari rehearsal, they look okay and ready for the performance next wednesday. tapi segala sesuatu bisa terjadi kan? keep your fingers crossed then....

di mana sekaligus kami merasa sedih karena persis setelah pentas, kami harus rela 'melepas' anak" untuk naik ke kelas 1.

masih ada 10 hari untuk bersama mereka.....dan mulai minggu ini, kami latihan dengan kostum lengkap, walaupun beberapa di antara mereka keberatan.

mau tau salah satu alasan mereka (lagi)?

'i don't wanna wear this costume. it won't be a surprise anymore for the play. i've promised my mom and dad a whole lot suprise on christmas play. if i wear it now, i have to pretend that i don't know, don' I? it's too long to keep the secret. i have done that since the first rehearsal'

pantas saja ada beberapa orang tua yang sering bertanya 'christmas play' itu apa.....

ooo well......ternyata mereka memang sudah layak naik ke kelas 1 =) ...

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