Monday, August 16, 2004

Time to relax..

sementara sebagian orang lagi 'demam Athens 2004
...g mo ngajak relax bentar kali y...

kalo lagi pengen santai tp masih tetep make otak utk mikir...mungkin bisa nyoba ini...

nice try though..

clue : first letter for each word

example :
26 = L of the A
answer :
26 = Letters of the alphabet

so..have a nice try, guys

1001 = A N

7 = W of the W

12 = S of the Z

54 = C in a D (With the J)

9 = P in the S S

88 = P K

32 = D F at which W F

90 = D in a R A

200 = D for the P G in M

8 = S on a S S

1 = W on a U

4 = D in a P C

11 = P on the a F T

29 = D in F in a L Y

64 = S on a C many could you get? .....

it's nice to think about something from a different point of view...pada jawabnya beda2...itu salah point plus utk saling diskusi dan mikir dari pola pikir ga sama...setiap orang kan ga sama...