Friday, February 24, 2012

Snow Circle

I have longed been a huge fan of snow, winter, cold, etc etc. Grew up in a tropical country might be one of the reasons I heart winter so much. I used to complaint about sweating, having to shower each time I came home, the list continues. Although, I'm a big fan of having a bath *I am indeed a peculiar person* and the other bonus is, there is no need to care about the weather since it's always the same all year long.

It's inexplicably bizarre how I love seeing snow and feel the cold. I wish there were three seasons in a year instead of four. That will be winter, spring, and fall.

Wouldn't it be perfect?

I have lived in Australia where the winter is quite mild, the summer is dry and scorching, the spring is splendid, the fall is magnificent. But I despise summer so badly that every summer I tried to go home (back to tropical rain and humid weather back home!) But yes, I opt for that more than any summer.

And having to move to a different country where winter can be as low as -30C. I can dream no more. I love walking while it's snowing, I love laying on top of the white blanket, and layering up many clothes is nothing but fun! And I don't care when people looked at me thinking, "what is this weird lady doing standing still while it's snowing heavily?" Hmmm..

And this link makes me love winter and snow even more. I stumbled to stupendous view while having lunch yesterday. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did; albeit this year winter has been quite mild compared to last year. But it still is fabulous.

Having said that, I can't wait for spring to come.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to Where It Started

I think I have abandoned this blog for way too too long :(

It has been more than 3 years since my last entry. Oh many things have happened and I don't think there'll be enough posts for them.

Anyways..guess I just have to keep my sleeves up again!

I promise, there will be more stories to come.

To be continued!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

No Maths Day

it's a tradition in our school to have something special at the end of every term. It's also a part of Fund raising to support our sponsored child in Rwanda. we had Book Week Dress Up Day, Jelly Baby Beans Day, Crazy Hair Day...

This time...we vote to decide what we're going to do end of this term..

We came up with some ideas...such as:

No Maths Day
Inside Out Day (wearing your clothes inside out)
PJ's Day
Spider Day (Spider is a type of drink made by mixing soft drink and ice-cream - still don't understand why they call it Spider here)
Different Socks Day (when you wear different types of socks in each foot)
No Talking day --> this is the most popular one for teachers hahahaha....* we all love this idea..especially kindy and year 6 teachers*

it's funny how each child came up with different opinion.
the most interesting is when it came to No Maths Day...

there were pros and cons for this day

Obviously most kids were excited since they do not have to have maths for that day

but..some came up with these opinions:
There will be impossible to have No Maths Day because:
1. If you line're doing maths
2. If you look at the clock, you're doing maths
3. If you write a number, you're doing maths
4. If you're talking with your friends, you're doing maths (how fast or slow you're talking is also part of maths)
5. If we have circle time, we also do maths (circle, got it??)
6. even if we sit on the floor, we still do maths (we normally sit in a square with a masking tape on for each person's name)
8. if we walk, run or even skip, we count and do maths
7. even when we ask questions, such as: how long til recess/lunch/home time?....we're doing maths

so? how are we going to have No Maths Day if almost everything we do is Maths???

still..we haven't had the decision til today..while it's only 3 weeks to go til last week of school..*sigh* always happens when it comes to voting for decision... ;P

Monday, October 06, 2008

what's on her mind?

with just one month out from the US election, perhaps it’s time to take a look at Sarah Palin as the next President of the United States.

Everybody knows she’s only the Vice-Presidential candidate, but let’s face facts: John McCain is about a thousand years old and doesn’t look like he’ll make it to the election, let alone through a four-year term. and from she's been doing right looks like she's chasing the presidential position rather than vp.

how hysterical to see this woman on TV. While she may not be a big hit with voters, Sarah Palin who likes to call herself as 'The pitbull in lips, hockey mom" has made a big splash on the net, becoming the butt of many online parodies and the star of umpteen viral videos.

one of the most widely shared has been comedian Tina Fey's spoof of Palin on the US comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL), that was hilarious ;)

Palin videos have dominated the most-viewed list on YouTube for the last couple of weeks, especially from her interviews with CBS reporter

the latest parody from Sarah Palin is from her debate with Joe Biden. and this flowchart really fascinates me... have a look...

whaddaya think?

i feel sorry for this woman yet irritated with her phrase such as '...also...though...; maverick, Washington outsider, etc*just wondering, has anyone counted how many times she said those words in her first debate?* plus her annoying winks ....quirky smile..and blow kisses...while she did not have any ideas on what she's talking about...

somewhat she doesn't realise that she's unqualified (if not stupid) to be a vice president. what's on her mind when she accepted this ticket in the first place? what made her undertook McCain offer? can't help myself to give comments in the media...

it's really hard when someone doesn't know if she/he is stupid...

and the more ridiculous is ...someone stupid who thinks she/he is smart...that will be a huge disaster.

can you imagine her being the next president if McCain can't govern for the 4 year full term? I certainly can not. it would be another comical president after Bush I reckon ;P..

that's what it's called 'The American Dream" when anyone can be anybody ;-)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

some of our stories...

udah mo 2nd season kuis 'are you smarter than the 5th grader'
anak" udah mulai berkomentar
"Miss. A, why it's 5th grader? why it's not 2nd grader? we can't be in that show then"

salah satu temannya nyeletuk:
"what about we start applying for the show now? i believe it will take ages to be in the show. Perhaps when we're in year 5, we can be easily in the show. Is that right, Miss. A?"

ada celetukan lagi:
"what about Miss. A starts applying to be the contestant as well? by the time she gets in, we also get in. What do you think, Miss. A?"

yang laen berkomentar gini:
"Miss. A..just wondering.. how much money will you get if you're in that show? do you think you'll get the first prize (alias AUD500K hahaha). As a teacher, you should be able to answer all the questions, shouldn't you, especially when it comes to primary school questions?"

saya cuma senyum..sambil berpikir juga ya....rasanya rada susah buat ngejawab semua pertanyaan di kuis itu =) seriously, i've never heard about some of the can i answer it if i don't even know what they are about? *excuse bangeeet yaaa hahahaha*

kadang" mereka suka muncul dengan obrolan" yang ga kepikiran

salah satu session di hari selasa sore adalah gross motor, mulai dari warming up, main activity, sampe cooling down...

salah satu game yang paling digemari adalah Octopus and Shark..(buat temen" yang dulu sekolah di Palembang, mungkin tau ama yang namanya permaenan cabut....mirip" gitulah cara maennya)...

anyway..bukan itu yang mo di highlight...

ceritanya buat cooling down..kita relaxing..dengan lagu dan anak" tiduran di rumput playground. sambil menyuruh anak" nutup mata dan ngebayangin kalau mereka ada di tepi pantai, tiduran, minum lemonade, dengerin lagu kesayangan sembari ada suara ombak di belakang mereka, dll

setelah kurang lebih 15mins kami bercooling down ria, saatnya untuk kembali ke kelas. anak" satu persatu mulai beberes..kecuali satu anak...

dia cuma diem aja. saya bingung. sampai beberapa anak ngomong:
"Miss. A, i think she felt asleep. I tried to wake her up but she was still asleep"

saya setengah ga percaya...sambil jalan ke arah si kecil dan mencoba mengguncang bahunya..dan Gee weeez....dia kaget, kebangun dan kebingungan....

ternyataaa.....dia memang ketiduran sewaktu kami menikmati semilir angin di playground tadi..walaaaaah!!!

cerita lain lagi:
setiap 15-20 mins sebelum bel pulang, kami udah mulai beberes kelas, mulai dari packing, cleaning the class, and stacking the chairs up...
saya sering banget ngomong:
"i'm afraid it's time to pack and stack, children. please our class clean, tidy, and spotless"

suatu hari, salah satu murid saya yang pendiaaam setengah mati tiba" ngomong gini:
"come on, guys...just think yourself as a vacuum cleaner...zoom zoooom. (dia niruin suara vacuum ceritanya) rubbish anymore..make Miss. A proud of us..."

mereka memang sering muncul dengan surprise menyenangkan =P...that's why being in the class is such a privilege for me...kami seperti bermain dan belajar dalam waktu bersamaan..

Monday, July 28, 2008

Spellchecker Poem

Eye halve a spelling chequer
it came with my pea sea
it plainly marques four my revue
miss steaks eye kin knot sea

eye strike a quay and type a word
and weight four it two say
weather eye am wrong oar write
it shows me strait a weigh

as soon as a mist ache is maid
it nose bee fore two long
and eye can put the error rite
its rare lea ever wrong

eye have run this poem threw it
i am shore your pleased two no
its letter perfect awl the weigh-
my chequer tolled me sew

-from one of freebies book club sent to me. thought it's great to share to brighten your day ;-)-

cukup kayaknya buat intermezzo nya ya....udah 2 minggu masuk skolah di term 3 ini. beberapa anak" masih berlanjut dengan holiday mood walaupun kebanyakan dari mereka udah ga sabar buat ber-olympics- ria...

kayaknya ampir semua skolah di dunia skarang ini lagi belajar tentang Olympics ya? sorry kalo sok tau, tapi dari hasil perburuan di perpustakaan atau toko buku manapun yang susah banget rasanya mo ngedapetin buku" tentang olympics, entah itu udah dibooking, udah dipinjem ato udah abis stocknya...hikkss...kayaknya bener deh investigasi ini, betul?

untungnya teman" di skolah udah bersiap dari jauh" hari buat resource term ini (thx heaps, guysss....) jadi saya dengan bergiat juga nyari pinjeman sana sini...

term lalu anak" belajar semua tentang China...kelas kami penuh dengan hiasan dan calligraphy Chinese, seperti Chinese Culture and History, Chinese Fire Crackers, Chinese Dragon, Panda, Facts and Myths about China, what's the diff and similarities between Australia and China..dan yang paling heboh adalah Chinese Corner di kelas kami yang dipenuhi dengan semua barang" MADE IN CHINA (believe's massive!!! ampir ga muat tuh mejanya saking semua semangat hihihi)

term ini? hmm you can probably guess that already, huh? minggu ini udah dimulai dengan Flags of the World art & craft...semua heboh bawa buku ttg olimpiade, world sports, negara" yang ikut ambil bagian di olimpiade, etc....bersiap dengan kreasi kami selanjutnya??? sabar ya... ;-)

Friday, July 04, 2008

back to 'normal'

dari postingan terakhir, rasanya baru sekarang bisa sedikit bernapas lega =)

interview n portfolio were such a success!!! exhausting but great...saya yang tadinya nervous abis bisa berpuas hati soalnya ga ada masalah sama sekali...which was fabulous. parents di kelasku sungguh understanding dengan Miss A yang masih belajar juga (maklum anak baru, bos!)

Seperti ceritaku sebelumnya, anak" berhasil 'membanggakan' hasil kerja keras mereka selama ini, mulai dari celotehan mereka selama meeting itu..ato tingkah mereka yang dengan ga sabarnya buat ngejelasin setiap subject yang ada di portfolio mereka. sampe saya ga kedapetan buat ngomong panjang...kebanyakan orang tua sampe bilang:
"what about if you let Miss A and Mummy talk first, then you can have your turn, dear" or "perhaps you can let Mum and Dad to ask questions to Miss. A and then you can help "
beberapa dari mereka langsung cemberut tapi tetep setia menunggu giliran bicara ;P

oh well...kebanyakan meeting yang harusnya berjalan 15mins bisa molor apalagi buat anak" yang gemar bercerita dan ga mau distop....senang rasanya bisa berdiskusi bersama anak" sekaligus orang tua mereka...

setelah itu..hmm it was the hardest part buatku. setelah meeting itu, saya harus nyiapin reports dengan komen plus grade buat masing" anak. hmm ga tega rasanya untuk terpaksa ngasih nilai D or the way....istilah report ini adalah A - E Reports...di mana nilai paling tinggi adalah A dan E adalah terendah....maaf ya nak, Miss A dengan sangat amat terpaksa harus jujur, betul???

hari terakhir diisi dengan peringatan hari Juvenile Diabetes dengan dress up ala jelly babies beans yang berwarna warni (mon, g tetep stick ama orange, biru n item btw hahaha). lunch bareng di hall dengan menu soup lezat plus roti n butter plus lagi dapet a bag of jelly babies beans.....yuuummmm....!!! was a frantically busy term....kalo kata guru senior..kalo bisa survive di term ini, artinya ga usah khawatir buat term" selanjutnya...term 3 yang relatively santai, term 4 yang pasti mulai menggila lagi dengan rutinitas akhir taun ajaran..

oh well...hectic....busy...but indeed it was a really splendid and wonderful term!!!

we're on hols for 2 weeks now...back to school on 21st July everyone..until then...have a safe and happy holiday...

see you next term dengan beragam cerita dan canda kami semua... =)